From LOTS to HOTS: Writing the 'Right' Questions for Your Exams

What Do you know about LOTS and HOTS?

Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) are Remembering, understanding, and applying. They’re represented in Objective assessments , Such as: multiple-choice, matching, fill in the blanks

While, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are analyzing, evaluating and creating, which are represented in Subjective assessments , such as: essay responses, experiments, portfolios.

Which question types that target LOTS ?

”Remember” Questions:

  • When/What/Where did this occur?

  • List 3 types of….

  • Define this term...

“Understand” Questions:

  • Compare/Contrast Questions

  • Graph/Draw this description ….

  • Classify the following ....

“Apply” Questions:

  • Give examples for….

  • What can you conclude from your reading?

  • Why do you think…. ?

Which question types that target HOTS ?

“Analyze” Questions:

  • Pros and Cons for….

  • What idea Supports the author's opinion?

  • What can you infer…. ?

“Evaluate” Questions:

  • What is the most important? why?

  • Find the errors in the following math problem.

  • Make necessary changes to make this correct.

“Create” Questions:

  • Write a song/riddle about an animal

  • Design a campaign to help stop…..

  • Generate a plan for….

Tips for encouraging your students to use thier HOTS

  1. Gradually include HOTS questions during your lessons before exams.

  2. Add more HOTS questions in homework and group work.

  3. Create Questions with optional/bonus parts that promote HOTS.

Resources for Writing Your HOTS Questions: